
Author Page

A page to input, update and display an author. Includes a list of blog posts from the author if present or encourages them to add posts.

Page properties:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Image
Author Page Image

Blog Page

A page that displays blog posts in a timeline. Includes a tag list section to limit posts to those including the tag.

Page properties:

  • Title
  • Header image (Sets the default header image for blog post pages as well.)
Blog Page Image

Blog Post Page

A page to input, update and display a blog post. When an author is added, their other blog posts are listed at the bottom. Includes pagination.

Page properties:

  • Author
  • Published at date
  • Header image (optional)
  • Tags (optional)
Blog Post Page Image

Event Page

A page to input, update and display an event. Displays the title, date, location and description of the event. The body of the event description can be created with widgets.

Page properties:

  • Title
  • Date
  • Location name
  • Street address
  • Locality
  • Region
  • Postal code
  • Country
  • Image
  • Tags
Event Page Image


The Homepage can only be added once and is not available in the content browser to prevent duplication. Holds all site specific settings.

Page properties:

  • Title
  • Header height
  • Header background (image or video)
  • Header gradient
  • Display as landing page
  • Site settings, including logos, Facebook and Twitter app ids and API keys.
Homepage Image

Job Page

A page to input, update and display a job. Displays the title and location, the body of job description can be created with widgets.

Page properties:

  • Job title
  • Image
  • Date posted
  • Valid through
  • Employment types
  • Name of the hiring organization
  • Website of the hiring organization
  • Street address
  • Locality
  • Region
  • PostalCode
  • Country
Job Page Image

Landing Page

A page type for building landing pages without a navigation bar, designed to stand alone.

Page properties:

  • Title
  • Header height
  • Header background (image or video)
  • Header gradient
Landing Page Image


The base page type creates an empty page ready for widgets.

Page properties:

  • Title
  • Header height
  • Header background (image or video)
  • Header gradient
Page Image

Redirect Page

The page type to create a redirect to an obj or an external link.

Page properties:

  • Title
  • Link
Redirect Page Image

Search Results Page

A page that displays the results of a search. Displays an additional search box and allows additional filtering by tags (if any results have tags). Lists results with an image (if present), headline, text extract, age, tags (if present) and link. Scrivito automatically indexes all your content including text in PDFs, for every working copy.

Page properties:

  • Title
  • Header image
Search Results Page Image


Address Widget

A preformatted widget for displaying an address and contact information.

Widget properties:

  • Show brand logo?
  • Location name
  • Street address
  • Locality
  • Postal code
  • Region
  • Country
  • Address format
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Show border at the bottom?

25 Lorem Lis Street
Orange California 92864

Phone: +800 123 4567
Fax: +800 466 4422

Blog Overview Widget

A widget to display your blog posts in a timeline.

Widget properties:

  • Maximum number of blog posts
  • Filter by author
  • Filter by tags
  • Deserunt dolor reprehenderit eu consequat

    In adipisicing eu reprehenderit velit commodo enim

    Cupidatat reprehenderit enim elit est quis dolor. Dolore est anim non consectetur laborum officia ad aliqua velit dolore est mollit. Do pariatur consequat deserunt magna velit aute. Elit consequat et consequat aliquip mollit. Magna magna adipisicing ex velit aute proident excepteur. Ipsum do do...

  • Automatisierung

    Excepteur consectetur esse laborum velit

    Consectetur duis occaecat dolor ipsum fugiat adipisicing

    Dolor enim duis velit voluptate eiusmod veniam ad consequat. Aliqua elit ex ut aliquip et sunt minim labore consectetur occaecat minim et tempor aliquip. Dolore sit veniam dolore proident veniam eu minim incididunt officia ut voluptate amet veniam. Laborum sit voluptate anim ullamco occaecat...

Box Widget

A container widget to format the widget(s) used within. Used to overlap widgets.

Widget properties:

  • Background color
  • Use offset?
Box Widget Screenshot

Button Widget

A widget for adding a linked button.

Widget properties:

  • Link target and button title
  • Alignment
  • Background color
A widget for images to be displayed as a scrolling carousel with optional description.

Widget properties:

  • Add images
  • Show description?

Columns Widget

A container widget to organize widgets in to multiple columns.

Widget properties:

  • Vertical alignment
  • Edit number of columns and their width




Divider Widget

A widget to add a divider between widgets with or without a logo.

Widget properties:

  • Show logo?

Event Overview Widget

A widget to display multiple event overviews.

Widget properties:

  • Maximum number of events
  • Show list of tags?
  • Filter by tags

Fact Widget

A widget to display a colored value and a fact description.

Widget inputs:

  • Fact value
  • Fact description
29Number of Widgets included in the Example App

Feature Panel Widget

A widget to list features with an icon, a headline and a description.

Widget inputs:

  • Headline
  • Description

Widget properties:

  • Icon for panel

Drag & drop widgets

makes in-place editing possible, in-place editing is a web designer's dream

Form Widget

A JustRelate Neoletter form widget with arbitrary form fields.

Widget properties:

  • Message shown while the form is being submitted
  • Message shown after the form was successfully submitted
  • Message shown if the form submission failed

By submitting, you agree to the terms and conditions of our privacy policy.

A widget to display multiple images with a fade transition and a thumbnail gallery.

Widget properties:

  • Images for the gallery

Google Maps Widget

A widget that adds a Google map to the page. The address can be edited in the widget properties.

Set the Google Maps API key in the site settings. If no API key is given, the map may not be rendered.

Widget properties:

  • Address
  • Map type
  • Zoom level
  • Show map widgets?

Group Widget

A container widget to group the widget(s) used within.

No widget properties

Group Widget Screenshot

Headline Widget

A widget that adds headlines to your page with several formatting and SEO options.

Widget properties:

  • Style
  • Heading tag (optional)
  • Alignment
  • Show dividing line?
  • Show margin?

This is a Headline

Icon Widget

A widget displaying a Font Awesome icon.

Widget properties:

Icon List Widget

A widget displaying one or more icons that can be rearranged.

Widget properties:

  • Icon list

Image Widget

A widget to display an image. Drag an image file from your computer to the drop zone or choose the image using the Content Browser (just click the widget).

Widget properties:

  • Animation
  • Alignment
  • Alternative text (optional)
  • Link (optional)
Image Widget Screenshot
A widget containing link widgets with an optional headline and easy drag-and-drop organization.

Pricing Widget

A widget to add a styled pricing section to a page with customizable fields and specs.

Widget properties:

  • Currency
  • Small plan button
  • Medium plan button
  • Large plan button
Lorem Plan
Buy now
Dolor Plan
Buy now

Section Widget

A container widget to organize the layout of a page into sections, styled for the example app layout.

Widget properties:

  • Background color
  • Background image
  • Use full width?
  • Use full screen height?
  • Show padding?
Section Widget Screenshot

Space Widget

A widget for adding adjustable vertical space between widgets.

Widget properties:

  • Size (height)
Space Widget Screenshot

Table Widget

A widget that provides a customizable table for organized data and an optional summary row.

Widget properties:

  • Rows
  • Summary rows
Key feature 1




Key feature 2





Testimonial Slider Widget

A widget to add styled testimonials to a page with a quote, author information and an image.

Widget properties:

  • Testimonials


Sint ullamco laboris labore voluptate velit duis ea do labore. Eu mollit magna cupidatat deserunt occaecat eu qui adipisicing aute.

Alice Smith, CEO @ Acme

Text Widget

A widget that displays an HTML content field for adding styled text to a page. Highlighting text opens a toolbar for formating text or adding links.

Widget properties:

  • Alignment
  • Text
This is a Text Widget
A widget that displays clickable thumbnail images with an icon and description when hovered over. Clicking enlarges the images into a Lightbox type gallery.

Tick List Widget

A widget that displays a list of statements, each styled with a checkmark icon.

No widget properties

  • Irure voluptate consequat
  • Non qui mollit
  • Eu in nisi

Video Widget

A widget that plays video resources stored in the Scrivto CMS, uploaded via the Content Browser (just click the widget).

Widget properties:

  • Video
  • Poster image (optional)

Vimeo Video Widget

A widget that plays videos from Vimeo.

Widget properties:

  • Vimeo video ID
  • Aspect ratio

YouTube Video Widget

A widget that plays videos from YouTube.

Widget properties:

  • YouTube video ID
  • Aspect ratio